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The High Quality ProductsWhy DING TAY XIN

We care Quality
In the spirit of professional technology, quality and best service, we continue to grow and develop.

Cumulative Experience
In the design, operation and maintenance of machinery, continuous improvement to reduce the failure of machine components, providing users with longer machine life.

Solve Customer Problems
For the principle of plastic welding, continuous testing and improvement, our goal is to solve customer production technology problems, and at the same time improve self-development, mechanical automation design, quality improvement design, reduce costs, towards production automation as the concept, will provide customers with satisfactory service .

Better Service
For the company, the pursuit of excellence and customer satisfaction is our business goal of 30 years and will never change. We sincerely look forward to your criticism and advice, which will enable us to make progress to provide you with better. Service.
SINCE 1974
Welcome to Ding Tay Xin industryial Co.,LTD. established in 1974, with the plastic industry evolve and innovate. Follow all kinds of plastic product innovation, the industry's first canvas, raincoats, stationery, footwear .....
To the latest environmentally friendly plastic materials, has grown with the latest technology to provide the perfect solution. Joint research and development to provide customized services to meet customer and market demand.
Major industries: stationery, footwear, handbags industry, garment industry, packaging industry, canvas .. etc..
Applicable materials: PVC, TYVEK, PU, TPU.EVA, PETG, PETA, PETE, TPR, PE, PEVA, PLA ..... environmentally friendly materials.
Main services: high frequency plastic welding machines, high frequency packaging machines, welding machines, hot air sealing machine , stamping machines.
Currently enlist worldwide distributor hoped localization services, real-time services, vendors and distribution, customer service is not interrupted, to reach a win-win service.